During our virtual 4-week training and coaching program Adri Miller-Heckman will show you:
How to be fearless with your communication so you create stronger connections.
Why your message, brand, process and systems must be synergistic to get the results you want.
How to increase your revenue without investing more energy so you can succeed at the level you know you deserve.
The days of pushy prospecting and manipulation are over!
The pandemic has created a huge demand for a more feminine approach to prospecting requiring a new approach that builds trusting relationships, inspires, and motivates...all skill sets that come naturally for most women advisors!
Our female-focused model helps high-level women advisors leverage their natural strengths to develop an extraordinary business and an extraordinary life.
"Adri was the first coach that went deep enough in evaluating and refining our process to transform our results. We finally have a brand and strategy that consistently brings in more of our ideal clients with more prominent cases than I expected. All this while not abandoning our current clients and increasing value, a task I thought at one time to be unachievable." - Celine, Retirement Advisor
At our high-impact, content-driven live session, you will uncover the hidden reasons why you're not currently growing at the pace you want and deserve while living your ideal life (and schedule).
You’ll receive Adri’s coaching the same way she advises her clients--action steps customized for your natural strengths, loads of empathy, and high-level (badass) mentoring.
“I was an advisor at Smith Barney, with $350,000 in production and a huge database, but I was not getting the referrals I expected. I didn’t know how to communicate my value to people as an advisor. After participating in Adri’s business building training I have a steady stream of new referrals and my average account size increased from $400,000 to $1,000,000+.”
- Mary, Financial Advisor
"Working with Adri we are changing the way I work, No more working with everyone, I am becoming more focused, more strategic and all my marketing is lining up to send one powerful message. "
-Erica L. McCain, LUTCF
Adri and Deb's fearless style, real-life experience, and commitment to your success will help you tap into the bold, authentic, and courageous makeup unique to a female advisor.
No more trying to figure it out on your own. By the end of this highly engaging experience, you will have a new message, focus, and purpose for your business which ultimately converts to more appointments, bigger assets, and ideal clients.
Message to die for that speaks from your heart
Process that adds high level value and content
"Why Women?" story that people WANT to hear
A powerful and authentic marketing strategy
7 Power Scripts for Female Advisors to Attract Million-Dollar Clients
5 follow-up content tools that build stronger more productive relationships with your women clients and prospects.
“I have to be honest, I do believe much of my success came from Adri’s business building strategies. If it hadn’t been for her, I probably would have left the field. Instead I had the confidence to ask for a $30,000 salary raise and got it! Thank you for all your help and encouragement!”
- Joanne, Financial Advisor
This approach will attract more people to your practice than ever before, the 1% that it does not appeal to is NOT who you want as a client.
When you are sharing a message that you are passionate about you will be constantly prospecting and not even know it. You will find yourself inspiring people to want to learn more about what you do naturally and organically.
We will show you how to introduce your new relationship based business model in a way that reignites your existing clients to want to do more business and refer you business.
Every script you leave with will be uniquely yours, using your language and personality. While I will guide you through this process the end result will be authentically you. I will never force you to be what you are not or say what you don’t like.
I’m not sure how to explain it except to say that this is my unique brilliance, I can see beyond your words and pull out the true you quickly. I see what you can’t see in yourself and then help you bring that refreshing new you to the surface empowering it with your words.
The femXmodel is more about an approach that works synergistically with the strengths you bring to the table. The principles and process apply to any tribal market be they women, couples, business owners. But, that being said there is currently tremendous value in leading with a focus on women to attract more of what you want.
At femXadvisor we are balancing the playing field. The industry was designed to work for men using a very linear, hunt and kill approach. We help you bring back the softer side of doing business. We help you integrate more “feeling” passion and sincerity into the old school skills and strategy to find that balance that is right for you
Our unique business builder event is designed specifically for the successful female advisor who knows she is destined for more but feels she is missing a crucial piece in the business-building process.
You could change your entire practice with this one event with Adri and Deb but more importantly, you could change your life.
4 Sessions July 7th - July 28th
Thursdays, 12pm - 1pm EST
Attend from the comfort of your desk!
If you like playing it safe, just following the guidelines and don’t want to stand out. This 4 week event is for successful women advisors ready to step into her brilliance!